How to Clean Oil and Grease Stains from Kitchen Walls

We all know that kitchen is said to be the busiest room and is also called as the ‘heart of the house’. Therefore, isn’t it natural that a busy room will get dirty very easily, especially the walls?

We like to cook our food using plenty of spices and oil in India, and hence end up with oil and grease stains on the kitchen walls, especially in old classic kitchens. Therefore, you need to clean oil and grease stains from kitchen walls daily, or at least weekly. More than the spices, it is the oil we use for cooking that create a layer of grease on the kitchen walls, which is just behind the gas oven.

Even if you have a back-splash or tiles behind the gas oven, you’ll see a layer of grease over it. And the grease stains is anytime tougher to clean than the ordinary stains. If you have the same issue, you need to clean oil and grease stains from the kitchen walls thoroughly every week. Ideally, you have to do it yourself or else find a cleaner to deep clean the kitchen every three months or so. Cleaning your kitchen’s walls is really challenging, and you’ll need to work really hard because the oil and grease stains on your kitchen walls are very stubborn and really hard to remove.

It is certain that you want to completely get rid of those stains, but still, do not use an excess amount of chemicals to clean oil and stains on kitchen walls, because those chemicals can fade the wall’s color. Instead, you can use some natural ingredients to clean oil and grease from kitchen walls.

Ways to clean oil and grease stains from kitchen walls

Don’t know which ingredients to use? Then this post is going to help you to prepare some natural ingredients to clean oil and grease from kitchen walls.

5 natural ways to clean oil and grease on kitchen walls

If you want to clean oil and grease from kitchen walls using naturally, then below are few natural ingredients that are easily available at your home or in the market, and can effectively clean oil and grease stains. So, use them and clean oil and grease stains.

1. Vinegar: White vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent, that can fight your greasy walls, can disinfect it, and will also make it odor free. White vinegar is also a very good natural agent that can fight stains created by smoke. If you directly use vinegar on walls, it is surely going to clean your grease and smoke stains. But if you make a solution of vinegar and water, then it will be a good solution to used for regular maintenance cleaning. Just spray the vinegar or the vinegar-water solution directly on the wall, and wipe it down with a damp rag or sponge. And you’ll see that the stains have vanished!

2. Baking soda: Baking soda is another stain buster that can effective clean oil and grease stains from the kitchen walls. Just sprinkle some amount of baking soda on a sponge or any gentle scrubber, and wipe down the greasy surface of the kitchen walls. After rubbing the walls gently, wipe it down with a clean dry cloth to remove the baking soda’s residue.

3. Vegetable oil: Everyone must definitely have vegetable oils in their kitchen, for cooking purpose. But did you know, this oil can clean oil and grease stains? Yes, it does! This method can be termed as “oil removes oil”. Take a paper towel and pour a little bit of vegetable oil in it, and scrub the greasy area of the wall. You will see it effectively helps you to clean oil and grease stains.

4. Salt: This is probably that one ingredient in your kitchen without which, you won’t be able to cook anything to make it tasty. Salt is the main ingredient or spice for your daily food. So, why don’t you use this to clean the stains? Just sprinkle a certain amount of salt over the oil and grease stains, and let the salt soak up the grease preventing stains. After that, spray some borax solution or vinegar solution over the area and wipe it down using a sponge or damp rag/cloth. You can also mix salt with rubbing alcohol in 1:4 ratio, and rub it thoroughly over the oil and grease stains.

5. Borax: This natural substance can also help you clean oil and grease stains from kitchen walls. Just make a paste of borax and lemon juice, and apply it over the greasy area, and then let it stay for some time until the borax absorbs the oil and grease. Gently wipe the mixture from the wall with a sponge or cloth, and you are done!

Over to you

Say goodbye to the chemicals, and clean oil and grease from kitchen walls using some natural and eco-friendly methods. Chemicals will no doubt work, but they can harm the wall and its color. And surely you wouldn’t want that, right? Therefore, use the above-mentioned natural ingredients to clean oil and stains from your kitchen walls. You can also use these methods to clean other walls, but the other rooms aren’t prone to grease as much as the kitchen.

Hope you will try some of these cleaning tips to deep clean your kitchen. Have other ideas an tips to get rid of oil and other stains? Feel free to share by commenting below.

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