How to Keep Cockroaches Away from Home

Are you struggling with cockroach and wish to find solutions to keep cockroaches away from home? Cockroach infestation is hard to identify and by the time you know you have cockroaches, they might have already multiplied. Once infested, it could be really hard to keep cockroaches away from home.

You might think that every corner of your home is safe from cockroaches, because you have seen none as yet. But, do not believe your eyes in case of cockroach infestation.

Cockroaches are very flexible and can hide almost any and every corner of your home, which may include your furniture or any tiny hole in your furniture, under electronic appliances such as your refrigerator, or even moist places like inside of the sink pipes. And another point to be noted is that cockroaches can starve for at least three months! Yes, three months, so you might not see them in and around your kitchen or food areas, but they surely hide in some or the other place in your home, which they feel is comfortable and convenient.

Amazing ways to keep cockroaches away from home

There are plenty of cockroach killing products such as sprays, gel, powder and etc, which are easily available in the markets. But, such kind of products have plenty of dangerous chemicals in it that will surely kill those dirty pests, but will also harm the environment. Do you want your home’s environment to be polluted by harmful chemicals? No right? Then opt for some other solutions that can be easily available in the home or even in the market, and will also help you get rid of cockroaches in a natural way.

8 ways to keep cockroaches away from home

There are many ways to keep cockroaches away but the most important techniques that has been tested and that works in cockroach removal are as under;

  1. Bay leave is an essential spice that most of us use in our daily cooking activity. This spice not only spices up the taste of the food but also improves its fragrance. But this spice has another utility, and that is, it can help you keep cockroaches away from home. Cockroaches just hate the fragrance of bay leaves, they can’t stand it even for a second. Therefore, we can exploit this to drive them out, or to keep them away from our home. Just place the leaves around areas that are prone to cockroaches. You can use both fresh leaves or dry leaves. If you are using dry leaves, then crush it into a powder because it releases a stronger smell.
  2. Another cooking ingredient that can be used to keep cockroaches away from home is the raw garlic. Just like bay leaves, cockroaches can’t stand the smell of raw garlic. You can place cloves of raw garlic in the areas of the room that are highly effected by cockroaches. The smell of raw garlic irritates many pests, especially cockroaches and mosquitoes and it can help you in keeping them away from your house.
  3. The natural chemicals in catnip helps people in keeping cockroaches away from home. You can either use fresh or dried catnip, both will prove to be fruitful in cockroach removal. You can also soak the leaves in hot water to make a tea like liquid substance. Pour the tea into a spray bottle and spray it in the locations where you feel that the cockroaches reside more.
  4. Just like mosquitoes, the cockroaches too don’t like mint and its fragrance. The leaves are used the same way as bay leaves. But, if you do not have a mint shrub, then you can probably buy a mint essential oil. Mint essential oil can be mixed with water to make a liquid formula that can be sprayed in every corner of your home infected by cockroaches.
  5. If you place boric acid on top of your kitchen cabinets (not inside), it can kill these shabby pests. If cockroaches roam or hide near or on top of your cabinets, then there is a high chance for them to take the boric acid to their nests, killing all their other family members. But always remember one thing, keep this acid away from pets and children, since it is an extreme toxic substance.
  6. Borax is one of the best home remedies to kill cockroaches. There’s a bunch of ways to use borax to kill these pests, but the best and easiest way is to mix borax, flour, and sugar in equal parts with a little water. Try forming a big dough, then use this big dough to make small pieces of dough. Lay them out and wait for the cockroaches to eat them up. Once they eat, they are surely going to die and that helps you keep cockroaches away from your home without issues.
  7. Baking soda can also be used to make a perfect cockroach killer. Mix one part of baking soda with one part sugar. The sugar will attract the cockroaches and the baking soda will kill them once they completely digest it. The science behind this reaction is that, when the stomach acid of a cockroach is mixed with baking soda, it releases carbon dioxide. And the rapid release of carbon dioxide completely destroys their internal organs, which results in their death and you can use this technique to keep cockroaches away from home easily.
  8. Petroleum jelly can serve as an excellent substance to trap these six-legged creatures. Use the petroleum jelly that’s lying around the house, or purchase it from the market to make a trap for the cockroaches. You can simply open a jar with bait in the center to allure cockroaches. Upon entering the jar, they’ll find that once they step in, it is going to be tough to step out because the jelly will be too sticky for them to walk comfortably. So, basically they get stuck in there and ultimately die. If you don’t feel like using the whole jar, then just take a disposal plate or a piece of cardboard and spread a liberal amount on it. Then place baits in the center and place them in places where you see lot of cockroaches

Over to you

Keeping cockroaches away from house is not easy but we have already discussed some of the tested and proven techniques that can be used to keep cockroaches away from home. These remedies will not only effectively prevent the cockroaches from entering and infecting your home, but will also help you prevent your home’s environment from chemicals, which could have damaged your surroundings if you used any chemical-based cockroach killers. If you feel that your home is largely infected by plenty of cockroaches, then its better to book professional cockroach control service for cockroach removal.

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