Off-Page Search Engine Optimization Tips

Off-page Search Engine Optimization or SEO involves tasks, that you usually perform off web pages, in order to get better search results on popular search engines. Once you have fixed the basics on your web pages, and made them search engine friendly, it’s now time to consider the factors that might affect the overall search results. But the process is not from on your own domain or web pages, but outside the domain like posting on directories, building links or submitting your website to popular directories like the

In order to optimize your website, and to make it appear on top of the search engines, both on-page SEO and off-page optimization, it is equally important for you to balance the SEO process properly.

Why off-page optimization is Important for better search engine results (SER)

Every Search Engine has its own unique algorithm, and they use this algorithm to assign a certain rank (page rank) to each of the web pages while scrolling. But in general, each of these search engines assigns page ranks to every page, that they scroll. And this is how the higher-ranked page appears right on the top of the search results.

Link building and its impact on page rank

Now, there are several factors that are considered while assigning a rank to web pages, but the important one is the backlink. Let us consider that your website is about Interior Designers, and if you are putting a link to another website of Interior Design magazine, then the magazine website will earn votes. In other words, you are endorsing that web magazine in  Google and also in other search engines. Assumes that the magazine website is relevant, and they consider it very popular (also called link popularity). Every Such link affects the page rank.

So, the other websites linked to your own website directly affect your page rank. And if the website linked to your website is popular, then it’s advantageous. Always try linking to popular websites that are relevant to your website. This will help you build your website’s popularity, and increase your page rank. Also as discussed in on-page optimization tips, your anchor text for the back links must have relevant keywords or phrases to make it more effective. Another important thing that is required to be considered, is the quality of the back-link.

Over to you

Quality is always considered more important than quantity. So, try to get back-link from top-notch websites, that command authority and earns a lot of fame and name in your industry/sector. Remember “SEO is all about Fresh and relevant Text, Links, Popularity and Reputation.” Keep these stuff in mind and go ahead successfully with your website. 🙂

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