Happy Birthday ServiceSutra

Wow! The wait is finally over and we are exited to share the news of our official launch. ServiceSutra is being launched tomorrow Tuesday 11th October 2011.

There has been lots of work-re-work and further re-work, but finally as they say “If you are a perfectionist, think again. Perfection may not necessarily be ideal for progress.” And we decided to stop coding for next few days and launch whatever we have developed as of now.

The team behind ServiceSutra is really excited and looking forward for all kind of feedback and input from our users and friends and gurus.

We will be sharing more posts on how to but for now below are a few of the important links that I would like to share.

Home Page
Service Request
How it Works
Service Providers registration
We are on Facebook and Twitter too.

Keep sharing your input and feedback and we promise to work hard on them.

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