Have you heard the proverb that says- “Cleanliness is next to godliness”? Surely you must have. But just knowing it wouldn’t be fruitful, but following it will. So, along with decorating or designing your home, try keeping it neat, clean and clutter free. No matter how well decorated your home is, if it’s dirty or untidy, it can give birth to many diseases, and will also give shelter to many disease causing parasites. Hence, keeping your home clean must always be your priority.
Keeping your home clean and healthier needs a really good amount of effort. It not only destroys your home’s look, but also makes in terribly unhealthy. Everyone wants to keep their home clean, but at times they fail to keep it perfectly clean and germ free because of their busy schedule. So, don’t you wish to keep your home germ free? Are you looking for some home cleaning tips? Well, don’t worry.
Home Cleaning tips you can actually use
Here are some home cleaning tips that will help you keep your home cleaner and healthier, that too without putting much effort.
Home Cleaning Tip No.1: Clean dust regularly.
Dust is very unhealthy, and you must make sure to keep your home dust free by dusting atleast once, or twice in a week. Or else, do dusting regularly because dust can cause loads of allergies and other respiratory diseases. Families having an asthma patient must definitely make it a point to clean or dust sofa sets, cushions, carpets, curtains, dinning tables, television, and other stuffs regularly.
Home Cleaning Tip No. 2: Bathroom
Keeping your bathroom clean and hygienic is a must. Always make sure to flush your commode after every use, and remember to cover the commode’s pot when not in use. You must also clean the wash-basin on a regular basis, or atleast once in every week. One of the best way to keep your bathroom clean is by cleaning it every single day.
Home Cleaning Tip No. 3: Don’t wear road shoes and slippers inside your home
Keep two different slippers, one for your home and another for outside. A special neat slipper must be kept ready so that you can wear it at home, and another pair should be used when you are going outside. This will help you restrict the dirt and germs from getting inside your home.
Home Cleaning Tips No. 4: Kitchen accessories
Keep your kitchen neat and clean. Ensure that, all your crockery and other utensils are cleaned and dried properly, and then kept covered to prevent them from dusts. You should also use good quality dishwashers, and keep your sponge clean and dried. Also consider changing the wash sponge as frequent as possible.
Home Cleaning Tip No. 5: Doorbell, Door lock, knob and TV remote
Several people use or put their fingers or hands over the doorbell, door lock, knobs, remote and other stuffs. Hence, these items should be kept clean and hygienic. This is very important because these items could easily transport germs, and many other airborne diseases.
Over to you
Now will it be easy for you to clean your home, and keep it hygienic? Its best to put a little effort in house cleaning everyday. But if you are too occupied, you can always hire a professional for house cleaning. Ignoring is not an option. Also try to share these house cleaning tips with the others, so that they can also use them and keep their home clean, and prevent their family from germ attack. You can also share your views and other cleaning tips and advises, by commenting below.