31 Inexpensive Home Storage Tips To Live Clutter Free

Running out of storage space at home is very common, especially when you are living in a smaller apartment. Over a period of time, we keep buying and accumulating things, but we never get rid of old, damaged or unusable items and that leads to shortage of storage space at home.

Lack of storage space in your bedroom, kitchen or in any other room is not uncommon. Sounds familiar? It is. But, with a little bit attention and trying simple space saving hacks, you can deal with the situation much effectively. And if you are excited to know about such home storage tricks and hacks, then continue reading. As today in this post, I am sharing the list of simple but most effective home storage tips for you.

Best home storage tips and hacks

Storing the items does not mean that you can just squeeze things anywhere. I mean, this not just gives a very untidy, messy and disorganized look to the entire space, but this can also damage your goods.

And the solution is to learn to keep every household item in an organized manner, and make good use of the available storage space in your room. And, if you don’t know how, then check these amazing home storage tips and hacks hereunder.

  1. First and foremost thing is that you need to avoid making your home turn into a clutter. And therefore, it is important that you get rid of all the items that’s not being used or simply can’t be used.
  2. If the rooms in your house are comparatively smaller in size, or of if the existing home storage space is already occupied, then avoid accumulating more items.
  3. As far as storing items is concerned, your main motive should be to maximize usage of whatever storage space is available in your home, and then use hacks to increase the storage space.
  4. Whenever you are storing something, make sure to put it in a well organized manner. Placing items randomly can kill a lot of storage space.
  5. You can increase storage space by installing a few extra shelves, using wall hooks, utilizing the floor of your closet, using closet door space, using chains and S hooks etc.
  6. Always use good quality containers (glass or good grade plastic) to store items otherwise your belongings may get damaged.
  7. Unless you have got open shelving, it is best to go for square storage containers. This is because they have maximum space. Try to avoid the round containers as they are less space efficient.
  8. Avoid buying sets of containers as they usually have one container of each size which may not be that much helpful for storing items. It is better to size the container based on what you are storing inside it.
  9. If you have got a small kitchen and you are facing problem in storing the kitchen items, then it is a good idea to use the dead space i.e. the space between the refrigerator and the wall. You may go for a narrow and tall pullout storage rack or cart and store the oils, spices and other items there.
  10.  As far as the root veggies and bread is concerned, you can use pull out drawers.
  11.  Use hooks inside your cabinet to store the measuring spoons.
  12.  Now, for storing the shower products, you may think of going for a shower curtain having pockets where you can store the items.
  13.  If your bathroom space is small, then you may consider going for an over the toilet rack where you can easily store the towels, tissue papers, and other bathroom supplies.
  14.  Then a sink over the bathtub is one way to use the otherwise unused space properly.
  15.  Make full utilization of your bathroom mirror. Instead of just using it for combing hair or brushing your teeth, utilize it as a good storage option. Simply install a pull-out cabinet and store your stuffs there.
  16.  In fact, not just for bathroom mirror, you can use this trick to utilize the other mirrors in your home for storage as well. Like for example, I have utilized the space behind my full length mirror in my bedroom to organize my jewelry. This way I keep them organized and save them from getting damaged or entangled. You can also think of it.
  17.  One of the best ways to increase storage space is by utilizing the empty wall spaces properly. If you search the net, you will find many unique wall decor idea, those not just enhance the look of the entire space but also act as good storage options for books etc.
  18.   Make use of floating furniture to create additional storage space at home. They are good for storing items and also do not take up much of the floor space. In fact, if you build them in the wall, you may utilize the floors then for storing other items.
  19.   When possible go for multi functional furniture with hidden storage space. This way you get additional storage space that leads to a clutter free room.
  20.  Space behind the doors are good for hanging robes, towels, coats etc. And, the best thing is no one will be able to notice them hanging behind the doors as well, so use this space smartly.
  21.  If you have stairs inside your home, then you can utilize them for storage purpose as well e.g. you can have hidden drawers in the staircase and store your belongings there.
  22.  The space between the overhead joists in the garage or the basement that is unused is great for installing heavy duty wire shelf. Then you can store the sports equipment and other less frequently used belongings of yours there.
  23.   In case of limited vertical space, pull out bed bunks may be of huge help to you. You may customize them as pull out cabinets and save extra bedding, and other items there.
  24.   Going for a false floor is also one of the most innovative ways to increase your storage space. You can use the underneath space for storing whatever firs there.
  25.  Utilize the plywood ceiling shelves to store items. They are just ideal for storing lightweight items. But, avoid storing heavy items there.
  26.   Go for corner shelves and store your items there. This will not just give you more space to store your stuffs but will also make the room look organized.
  27.  For a garage corner, rotating corner shelves are really good for storing items.
  28.  If you have a side table, you can customize it with pull out drawers and store your belongings inside it.
  29.  I generally suggest individuals to store their shoes in shoe rack inside their original boxes but if you have lost your original shoe boxes, get innovative and store the shoes inside the wine boxes. The wine boxes designed to protect the glass bottles also come with cardboard divides so it becomes easier to organize many pairs at one box.
  30.  For free garage storage, try to re purpose your old jars and containers.
  31.   The plastic crates make great shelves. You just have to simply mount them on the walls with the help of fender washers and screws and then store your stuffs.

Over to you

Feeling pissed off due to lack of storage space in your home? Well, worry not, because you are not alone. Many of us face this never-ending battle against clutter and lack of home storage space. And to deal with this lack of household storage space at home, you got to get rid of the useless stuffs as quickly as possible. And secondly, try out some simple hacks to maximize the storage space in your home.

I have already shared a few simple yet very effective home storage tips and hacks that you can try. I am sure it’ll help you create extra storage space without making big investment. Try these home storage tricks and hacks and let me know how it helps you.

And even after applying these amazing storage hacks, you find lack of space at your home, you can always opt for professional storage and warehousing services available in your city.

By the way, what else do you suggest one should do to get rid of clutter and handle lack of storage space at home smartly and efficiently? How do you do it at your home? Feel free to share your favorite home storage tricks and hacks by commenting below.

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